Hello, and welcome to our webpage. This is the story of Dominick,. the youngest of my four children, diagnosed at four months with severe left sided positional plagiocephaly. We are sharing our story in hopes of helping other parents of banded babies, and those seeking treatment options for plagiocephaly. Our story documents our research, diagnosis, and treatment with the Doc Band for his plagiocephaly. Dominick suffered from among other issues a muscle imbalance caused by his plagiocephaly, similar to torticollis babies. We will share with you our long days of therapy and the sacrafices the whole family made to be sure that Dominick got all of the neccessary treatment . Dominick graduated from his Doc band in Setember 2004 with awesome results, he still struggles with other issues, but is on his way. Please feel free to email us with any questions, [email protected].