We have finally talked with the new case worker from Early Intervention. I like her alot so far, but did come away feeling very upset again. As we talked about Dominick and all we have been through she said that we would set up a visit after Dom's surgery. She said she would try and get the physical therapy evaluation set up again and see about a speech evaluation as well. I was really happy with everything she had to say except as we were going over things she asked when he had been seen a developemental pediatrician. I explained to her that we had everything set up almost a year ago to go to UVA Children's Hospital fro a full evaluation with a dev. pediatrician and all therapists, but that my old EI case worker said not to put him through that because they could do all the same things. This was upsetting to the new case worker and she told me that they were in no way qualified to do anything a developementalpediatrician could do or diagnose. I was just so frustrated at that point. All I could think of was that it would take me another three months or so to get him into UVA and that meant more waiting. I agreedthat I would get him into one as soon as possible.
Just for the heck of it I did yet another search on the internet for anywhere that might have a developemental pediatrician closer to my home. Well up comes a facility that is relatively new thirty minutes from my house. It is called The Pediatric Therapy Center in Fredericksburg,Va. They are affiliated with Richmond's Children's Hospital and have physician services right there including a developemental pediatrician....YIPPEE! I did a quick search on the doctor to see about her background and it was excellent so I called them right away. To my surprise they were able to get him an appointment on the 9th of March...Can you believe it?? The best part is that any therapy she prescribes for him can be done right on site. They have them all including sensory intergration therapy. If it comes down to me having to pay for services out of my own pocket I will do that somehow. He needs this and I cannot keep waiting for EI to catch up with us or have a break in their case load. I wish with all my heart that this facility turns out to be all they say it is. I am becoming concerned with some of Dominick's behavoirs and he seems to be losing some of his skills especially in his speech and sign language. He isn't saying words that he was saying and he hardly signs anymore. All of this has happened so suddenly. I am trying to figure out what it is that might be causing this, he was doing so good. Well I will let you know how the visit goes after our appointment.